Ceo & Founder
The technology today is developing so fast. All the human desire
can be fulfilled quickly. For example, in the textile sector,
fashion trends and fashion mode can change quicker than we
think. That's why many companies have been established, both
large and micro companies, producing cloth to fulfill the
fashion need. Therefore the company are compete to dominate the
market. They use the latest technology to reduce production
cost, for example using chemical to generating color. But did
you know the bad side effects of this technological (Fast
Fashion) to the future of human life? As someone who works in
the textile for long time, I really understand how the cloth dye
process using chemicals are very dangerous both for human health
and environment. Chemical waste are very difficult to recycle,
so they are thrown directly into nature. The cost of disposing
is cheaper than recycling. This is what will cause environmental
pollution which will gradually become very dangerous for human
Based on this, I was moved to make a small change,
by introducing natural colors to the wider community so that I
could reduce the use of chemical colors on textile. The natural
colors are obtained from plants, which is from leaves, stems,
fruit and roots. The dye waste we are reprocess to become
fertilizer and we giving back to the plants.
I am optimistic that the results of natural colors will compete
to chemical colors. Therefore, help me to show to the wider
community the results of the natural colors that I have produced
today. The more speakers there are, the more people will hear,
so we can reduce the impact of chemical colors on environment as
soon as posible